1. 4th Grade - ELA CCSS "I Can" statements (polka dot framed borders)
2. 2nd & 3rd Grade - Main Idea & Details practice pack
3. Factors, Multiples & Arrays Unit (Multiplication Practice Pack)
While I was fast at work on my laptop, I also watched the complete first season of ABC's Nashville online and am now ready for the upcoming second season! I think it's amazing how you can become a fan of a TV show all in one weekend without ever before seeing a single episode.
As a treat to my blog followers, I am offering a flash giveaway of your choice to one of the new items posted above but you must abide by these rules:
1-Leave a comment below ANSWERING CORRECTLY whether I'm on Team Juliette or Team Rayna (Nashville reference)
2-Let me know which item you'd like me to send you if you're a winner
3-Include your email address
[p.s. - I will allow 8 winners - since August is the eighth month of the year!!]
Take Care, and may the 50-50 odds be in your swift favor!
But if you don't win, take advantage of the week-long sale I'm having on all my NEW items thru 8/31/13