It's that time of year - the time when all the kids seem to have ants in their pants! Hence, the reason for our study of idioms. I love teaching my students about idioms because this seems like I'm teaching them a new language. As if I'm unveiling a secret code into understanding adult talk! (For the When Pigs Fly poster freebie click the image above!)
Lately, that Justin Bieber song, "What Do You Mean?" has been playing over and over on the radio. Well, not only does it get stuck in my head, but it seems to have inspired my latest set of TpT product ideas (understanding meanings of various phrases, allusions to Greek mythology.) However, the first that has been created is all about idioms!
I plan on beginning my idioms unit this week with this little gem I whipped up, and instead of just telling the students what the idiom actually means without having them work for it. I will be requiring they choral sing/respond "What do you mean?" after I give an example of an idiom. Hopefully I don't get too many eye rolls but they're used to my lyrical ways by now. After they've had time to practice and work with idioms, students will be assigned a different idiom to create pages for our class idiom book. My idioms pack is available now at my TpT store! (click cover above)
While you're there, don't forget to pick up my 2015 holiday freebie geared towards 4.RI.9 and 4.W.9. I'm so thankful for TpT and the blessings it has brought me over the past couple of years!
P.S. - Don't forget to catch Cyber Monday and Tuesday deals on TpT this week with the code: SMILE.