In my attempt to make division more appealing to 4th graders, I have invented a new Remainder mascot who we will refer to as SIR Remainder in my class! He's a cute lil mathematical mascot to help students remember the three strategies of interpreting remainders. These interpreting remainder strategies are:
1. Share It (as a fraction or a decimal)
2. Ignore It (don't include it at all)
3. Round It (add 1 more to the quotient)
I've also tapped into my inner lyricist and have penned a couple of songs to go along with this fun new friend! Knowing that this concept is probably something all my upper grade teachers could use, especially those of the 4th grade variety, I have offered it up as my new, primary free download on TpT (the other one was over a year old and I feel my product-making talents have improved - so time to switch it up a bit)!!
If you enjoy this freebie, please let me know by commenting on my TpT product page or sharing your love with a blog post comment!
Here we go: I actually made it on the first day of the month this time - I think that's a first for me!! September is going to be a great month!! Currently I'm feeling not so hot because those back-to-school germs and crazy monsoon weather have coupled together to attack me with a cold. I hope to be over it in the next few days or so!
Also, I'm looking forward to the Hispanic Heritage D-backs baseball game where I hope to score a Miguel Montero bobblehead (will be handed out to the first 20,000 fans inside)! This month, I am going to make a point of treating myself and I do enjoy treats - I already have plans for peanut butter promise cookies, Nilla Wafer Southern Banana pudding, and strawberry lemonade poke cake. Just have one week of dessert unplanned for. Luckily, I have tons of mouths at home and work who will help me consume these delish desserts!!
Finally, the adjustment period is over and I'm getting used to the new school / new district / new curriculum and am able to leave an hour after the students go home and meet up for happy hours with my gal pals. I plan on making this a weekly commitment as soon as I'm fully recovered! So it's September and we know the holiday rush is soon about to creep up on us, so enjoy this time pre-Halloween and cherish each moment! :)