Even if you teach in a departmentalized setting, this resource is AMAZING because it helps students know what to do upon entering your classroom, thus making them more responsible and less reliant on you! With this digital resource, the headings include: Good Morning, Good Afternoon and there's one BLANK slide with the same formatting for you to CUSTOMIZE to your liking!
Take a peek at each slide of this resource here:
And for those who teach in bilingual settings or Spanish classrooms, this file is ready-to-go so you can start class con un mensaje de la mañana (o tarde)!
Even though I teach elementary school kids, it doesn't mean high schoolers and middle schoolers couldn't benefit from some friendly teacher reminders on how to start class! TIP: Use the "Insert" and click "VIDEO" feature to embed content related video clips you will access during class. For example, I love to embed SchoolHouse Rock clips that I find on YouTube through this feature. The best part is, when you embed the video clips this way, you never have to deal with annoying ads!
I know several teachers and students around the country will be starting their first day of school tomorrow. This makes for a great back-to-school resource! As for me, we're halfway finished with first quarter (five weeks remaining until Fall Break)! Best of luck for a successful school year!