March 31, 2013

Positively PEEP-tastic! {freebie craftivity}

Which store have you been lately and not seen the PEEP takeover in the seasonal section?  Well, why not capitalize on all of the PEEP hype your students are truly entranced by using your leftover PEEPS or, (if needed) stocking up on these lovely delights as they dominate the post-Easter clearance sales and serve these after students have shared their creative PEEP tales.

Download my freebie here and Happy April to All!  Don't forget to join in on all of the other freebies by skipping on over to Freebie-licious or the Classroom Freebies link-up for this April Fools week by clicking on the button! 
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

It's up to you whether or not you prank FOOL your students by offering them a PEEP treat at the end of the day based upon their daily behavior, etc. ;)

EDIT: And in the spirit of the new April season, here's my currently - I'm so glad I've been able to return to this again after almost a 6-month hiatus on currently posts!
Ready to upload your own currently?  Well, check in with Oh' Boy 4th Grade here!
Off to brew my morning coffee now!


  1. That sounds like a plan today! Go raid those Easter clearance sales! Thanks for the idea!
    The Teaching Bug

  2. I'm here via Farley's linky - I'm excited for you for the warm weather you're having! It is still cold here! And good idea on the post-Easter sales :)


  3. Go glad I found your blog through Farley's linky! I wish we had that warm weather, so jealous! Good idea on the post Easter sales! I might go out and shop the same :)


  4. 80-90?? JEALOUS!!


  5. Wow! I wish it was even 60 here. Currently it is 37 degrees. Brrrrr, so much for the "Spring" in Spring Break! I am a new follower btw!
    Second Grade is Out of This World!

  6. Yay! I found another 4th Grade teacher! I teach 3rd and 4th! I can't wait to follow along!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  7. Next year I will be teaching 4th, so I have to agree with some of the others before me, so glad to have found your blog!!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road
